Dear Neighbors,
If you haven’t already, you should be receiving your personal property tax bills in the mail very soon. I know some of you have as I’ve received your e-mails, phone calls, and messages indicating your sticker shock.
Valuations for many vehicles are higher than previous years. This means that your tax bill may have increased from last year.
The Board of County Supervisors knew valuations would be higher when they passed the budget in April. It’s not just higher valuations. In addition, their budget also increased the rate that your personal property would be taxed at from 80% to 100% of the assessed value – a 25% one-year increase, and that pesky fee you see at the bottom of your bill was increased almost by 40%.
The fact that you may be looking at a bigger tax bill than last year is not a surprise to any elected official in Prince William County. I voted against this year’s budget because we knew that taxpayers were going to have a larger bill if we didn’t lower the tax rate and/or the assessment rate. I thought the $2,200 tax increase you were socked with on your real estate taxes since 2020 was enough. The Board of County Supervisors had the opportunity to give you tax relief, and chose not to. You can view the vote here.
Personal property tax bills are due October 5th. You can appeal your personal property tax bill to the County by clicking on this link and then by choosing the “Vehicle Assessment Appeal” tab.
For Prince William,
Yesli Vega
(703) 792-4620