Supervisor Tom Gordy Swearin-In Ceremony at Hylton Performing Arts Center

Supervisor Tom Gordy extends a formal invitation to his official swearing-in ceremony on Tuesday, January 2nd, at 6:30 PM at the Hylton Performing Arts Center. Your presence is greatly appreciated as Supervisor Gordy embarks on his dedicated service to the residents of the Brentsville District.

2024 Lincoln-Reagan Dinner feat. Mercedes Schlapp

Old Hickory Golf Club 11921 Chanceford Drive, Woodbridge, VA, United States

The Prince William County Republican Committee is proud to announce our 24th annual Lincoln-Reagan Dinner, to be held on March 23rd at the Old Hickory Golf Club. Tickets are $85 per person and $160 per couple. VIP Tickets are an additional $50 per person. VIP ticket holders receive early entry to enjoy appetizers, participate in […]

Event Series PWCGOP General Business Meeting

PWCGOP General Business Meeting

Kelly Leadership Center 14715 Bristow Rd, Manassas, Virginia, United States

By the authority of the Plans of Organization of the Republican Party of Virginia and the Prince William County Republican Committee, I, Jacob Alderman, hereby call a meeting of the Prince William County Republican Committee, to conduct its regular business on Monday, March 25, 2024. The meeting will be conducted at the Kelly Leadership Center, located at 14715 Bristow […]