Democratic U.S. Senator Tim Kaine and Republican Challenger Hung Cao to Face Off at Norfolk State University on October 2

Democratic U.S. Senator Tim Kaine and Republican Challenger Hung Cao to Face Off at Norfolk State University on October 2 at 7:00 PM ET WDCW-TV CW Washington, D.C. @dcw50 Nexstar Media’s Virginia Television Stations To Host Exclusive Live Debate Between Top Candidates for U.S. Senator September 16, 2024 Nexstar’s Cable News Network, NewsNation, Will

Democratic U.S. Senator Tim Kaine and Republican Challenger Hung Cao to Face Off at Norfolk State University on October 2 Read More

Come to the Prince William Republican Committee FALL FESTIVAL on October 5th, Special Guest VA LTG Earle-Sears, CraftWorx Taproom, 5615 Wellington Rd, Gainesville

Come join your fellow Republicans for politics and beer on Saturday October 5th.  LTG Winsome Earle-Sears, Congressional Candidates Mike Clancy and Derrick Anderson will join the Prince William County Republican Committee for fall fun at the CraftWorx Taproom , 5615 Wellington Rd Gainesville from 3 PM to 6 PM.

Come to the Prince William Republican Committee FALL FESTIVAL on October 5th, Special Guest VA LTG Earle-Sears, CraftWorx Taproom, 5615 Wellington Rd, Gainesville Read More

Our 7th District Congressional Candidate Derrick Anderson takes on and beats 2 Democrat Candidates in a Congressional Forum

At a Congressional Forum held at Metz Middle School in Manassas on September 17th, Republican Candidate for the 7th District Derrick Anderson took on two Democrat candidates and didn’t even break a sweat. While Derrick, who was born and raised in our area, explained what he wanted to do for the people of the 7th,

Our 7th District Congressional Candidate Derrick Anderson takes on and beats 2 Democrat Candidates in a Congressional Forum Read More

A todos nuestros hermanos centroamericanos que viven en el condado de Prince Williams – Feliz Dia de Independencia de las Republicas Centroamericanas, 15 de Septiembre!

Compartimos con ustedes no solo la alegría de este día sino los mismos valores, metas y sueños. Ven al próximo reunión de nuestro Comité, lunes 23 de septiembre, a las 7 en la tarde, Kelly Leadership Center, 14715 Bristow Rd, Manassas. [To our Central American brothers that live in Prince William County – Happy Independence

A todos nuestros hermanos centroamericanos que viven en el condado de Prince Williams – Feliz Dia de Independencia de las Republicas Centroamericanas, 15 de Septiembre! Read More