Jaylen Custis, a 19-year-old African American candidate for School Board in the Woodbridge District announced today he had switched parties and gained the Prince William County Republican Committee endorsement for School Board.
Earlier this year, Custis spoke unknowingly to a conservative women’s group and because of his actions, was told by Democrats he could not even seek the Democratic nomination. “I was speaking to every group that asked me because I wanted to learn what was on people’s minds about the schools” said Custis. “When Americans quit listening and respecting different points of view, especially about our Children and our schools, then something is deeply wrong.”
After meeting and speaking with local Republicans and County GOP Chairman Denny Daugherty, Custis decided the Republicans were more in line with his concerns about school safety, drugs and bullying, and on dismal test scores and allocating resources correctly. Custis stated, “Our schools are in trouble. When you look at our student scores and see the disparity, we have to fix that. We must return discipline into the schools and keep troublesome students in line, especially when they take the time of students who want to respect authority and learn.”
Custis will be running against the Democratic Party endorsed 10-year incumbent Loree Williams and Union endorsed Shantell Rock. “Loree had ten years to fix our schools and Shantell would just go along with the Unions. We need new energy, and new thinking, and I’m the right person because I attended three different schools in the District and have a different and unique knowledge base,” said Custis. “One thing is certain; what we have been doing is not working and in fact going in the wrong direction. We all need to come together and work across party lines with the parents to get things right.”