¡Latinos Voten Por Un Partido Que Comparte Con Uds Sus Valores! ¡Voten Por Los Candidatos Republicanos Del Condado De Prince William!

¡Latinos voten para los candidatos republicanos del condado de Prince William! Ellos comparten sus valores. Ellos van a apoyar los derechos de los padres en las escuelas. Van a combatir el crimen en Prince Williams. Van a bajar sus impuestos. Ellos respeten su fe y no van a permitir que el gobierno impone sus ideas […]

¡Latinos Voten Por Un Partido Que Comparte Con Uds Sus Valores! ¡Voten Por Los Candidatos Republicanos Del Condado De Prince William! Read More

Jeanine Lawson Endorsed By Fraternal Order of Police. Another Day, Another Endorsement by the Police for a Republican Candidate

So who do you trust to protect Prince William County from criminals? The police know that the Republican Party has their back. For Immediate ReleaseOctober 2, 2023 Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 43Endorses Jeanine Lawson for Chair-At-Large of the Prince William County Board of SupervisorsGainesville, VA — Today, current Brentsville Supervisor and candidate for Chair-at-Large, Jeanine

Jeanine Lawson Endorsed By Fraternal Order of Police. Another Day, Another Endorsement by the Police for a Republican Candidate Read More

Nolimits Virginia asks what are the Democrats’ limits on abortion, six months, six minutes before birth, after birth?

when it comes to abortion. The Democrats have, multiple times, supported allowing abortion up until the moment of birth for any reason. They voted for an amendment that would enshrine limitless abortion in Virginia’s constitution.  They want Virginia to be like Colorado, where current law allows doctors to perform abortions at 30 weeks (about 7 months) simply because the mother doesn’t want to have

Nolimits Virginia asks what are the Democrats’ limits on abortion, six months, six minutes before birth, after birth? Read More

Washington Post PRAISES Gov Youngkin’s Education Plan! Let’s Get the Governor the People He Needs to Complete His Education Goals!! VOTE EARLY STARTING SEPT 22!

NATIONAL REVIEW was startled to see that even the left-wing Washington Post praised Governor Youngkin’s educational plan to save our children from Democrat Governor Northam’s COVID school shutdown. If the Washington Post can get behind Governor Youngkin can we do less? Let’s get Governor Younkin the state legislators, supervisors, commonwealth attorneys, and school board members

Washington Post PRAISES Gov Youngkin’s Education Plan! Let’s Get the Governor the People He Needs to Complete His Education Goals!! VOTE EARLY STARTING SEPT 22! Read More

Is The Democratic Candidate for Prince William County Board of Supervisors Playing Bait and Switch on Data Centers? Jeanine Lawson Says Yes.

Dehundra Jefferson beat incumbent Democrat Chair of the Prince William County Board of Supervisors by declaring she was against uncontrolled growth of data centers. But as the Republican Candidate for Chair of the PWC BoS, Jeanine Lawson, has discovered, Ms. Jefferson is taking contributions from one of the biggest developers, Stanley Martin Homes (see illustration

Is The Democratic Candidate for Prince William County Board of Supervisors Playing Bait and Switch on Data Centers? Jeanine Lawson Says Yes. Read More

From Potomac Local News: Opinion: Under [PWC School Board Chair] Lateef, Parents Come Last!

We recently read a letter from Babur Lateef in the Potomac Local asking us to reelect him as chairman of the Prince William County school board. In his statement, he said: “I believe we have one of the greatest school systems in the country, and I’ve been proud to serve as chairman of the school

From Potomac Local News: Opinion: Under [PWC School Board Chair] Lateef, Parents Come Last! Read More

A Message From Supervisor Yesli Vega On Why Your Prince William Property Taxes Are Skyrocketing

Dear Neighbors, If you haven’t already, you should be receiving your personal property tax bills in the mail very soon. I know some of you have as I’ve received your e-mails, phone calls, and messages indicating your sticker shock. Valuations for many vehicles are higher than previous years. This means that your tax bill may

A Message From Supervisor Yesli Vega On Why Your Prince William Property Taxes Are Skyrocketing Read More

Coming Here? ‘Not a Fundamental Right’: Maryland Court Strikes Down Parents’ Request to Opt Kids Out of LGBT Curriculum – National Review

Think it couldn’t happen in Prince William County? This is a story from Montgomery County, Maryland but what is to stop this from happening here? The current Prince William County School Board has no interest in defending the rights of parents nor their children. They are there to protect the rights of the teachers’ unions.

Coming Here? ‘Not a Fundamental Right’: Maryland Court Strikes Down Parents’ Request to Opt Kids Out of LGBT Curriculum – National Review Read More

Governor Youngkin Meets The Voters Of Prince William County – Talks Of Economic Progress, Parents Rights, And The Need For A Republican Senate

Governor Youngkin joined residents of Prince William for breakfast at the Jukebox Diner in Manassas on August 22. While talking to voters, he highlighted that due to his administration’s lower taxes and less regulation, Virginia has gone from 47th in job creation to 4th in the nation. Virginia now has a $4 billion surplus that

Governor Youngkin Meets The Voters Of Prince William County – Talks Of Economic Progress, Parents Rights, And The Need For A Republican Senate Read More