Gobernador Youngkin Crea 200,000 Nuevos Trabajos/Governor Youngkin Creates 200,000 New Jobs

“¡Juntos hemos cumplido promesas de sentido común y estamos haciendo Virginia el mejor lugar para vivir, trabajar y criar una familia!  Asegure su voto este Noviembre:  www.secureyourvotevirginia.com,” Governor Glenn Youngkin “Together, we delivered on our commonsense promises and are making Virginia the best place to live, work and raise a family! Secure your vote this November: www.secureyourvotevirginia.com,” Governor […]

Gobernador Youngkin Crea 200,000 Nuevos Trabajos/Governor Youngkin Creates 200,000 New Jobs Read More


Woodbridge Supervisor Margaret Franklin claims she is getting the job done in her recent campaign mailer.  She takes credit for: Smart economic development with $500 million in investment including the Riverside Center Town Center which all local communities supported, and she did not work to attract.  Local developers put the plan together without her and then


Prince William Republican Committee Endorses Jaylen Custis For School Board – Custis Switches To Republican Party

Jaylen Custis, a 19-year-old African American candidate for School Board in the Woodbridge District announced today he had switched parties and gained the Prince William County Republican Committee endorsement for School Board.    Earlier this year, Custis  spoke unknowingly to a conservative women’s group and because of his actions, was told by Democrats he could not

Prince William Republican Committee Endorses Jaylen Custis For School Board – Custis Switches To Republican Party Read More

Lame Duck Democrat County Board Votes to Continue Data Center Expansion (A Message from Jeanine Lawson)

GAINESVILLE, VA – Today, Supervisor Jeanine Lawson, candidate for Chair At-Large of the Prince William Board of County Supervisors led a resolution to institute a lame-duck policy to prevent controversial land use votes until the new board of 2024 is seated in January. To ensure public trust and accountability in local government, Lawson called on members of the Prince

Lame Duck Democrat County Board Votes to Continue Data Center Expansion (A Message from Jeanine Lawson) Read More

Governor Youngkin and State Republican Officials Urge Republicans to Vote Early

RICHMOND, Va. – Governor Glenn Youngkin, in partnership with the Republican Party of Virginia (RPV), the Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC), the Virginia Senate Republican Caucus (VSRC), and the House Republican Campaign Committee (HRCC), is launching Secure Your Vote Virginia to make it easy to vote absentee by mail or early in-person before Election Day. Secure Your Vote

Governor Youngkin and State Republican Officials Urge Republicans to Vote Early Read More

VA Supreme Court Rebukes PWC Democrat County Supervisors For Illegal 2020 Meeting

Court Finds That Prince William County Board Chair Ann Wheeler and Four Others “Willfully Violated the Virginia Freedom of Information Act” May 19, 2023 On May 18, 2023, the Virginia Supreme Court found that Prince William County Board Chair Ann Wheeler, and four fellow Democrat supervisors, Andrea O. Bailey, Kenny Boddye, Victor S. Angry, and

VA Supreme Court Rebukes PWC Democrat County Supervisors For Illegal 2020 Meeting Read More

Barbara Dodge Honored at Lincoln-Reagan Dinner as Prince William County Republican Committee Volunteer of the Year

Based on a vote by members of the Prince William County Republican Committee members, Committee Chairman Denny Daugherty announced at the recent Lincoln-Reagan Dinner that Barbara Dodge had been selected as Volunteer of the Year.  Her unceasing volunteer activities for Prince William Republicans was astounding. During 2022 Mrs. Dodge personally interviewed all eleven candidates running

Barbara Dodge Honored at Lincoln-Reagan Dinner as Prince William County Republican Committee Volunteer of the Year Read More

(InsideNova) Republicans Push Back on Prince William Schools Proposed Budget

By Jared Foretek, InsideNova After suggesting they want more control of exactly how the county’s school system spends its funding, Republicans on the Prince William Board of County Supervisors launched a full-scale attack on school leadership Tuesday night, questioning the division’s priorities, accounting and commitment to instruction. Leading the charge was newly-seated Republican Bob Weir

(InsideNova) Republicans Push Back on Prince William Schools Proposed Budget Read More